Tuesday, April 19, 2011


If we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.

~Anthony Robbins

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tracking Tricks Week 16

Tracking better, more accurately and more consistently for improved weight loss results!

Tracking is very simple in theory. Write down what you eat, along with the portions sizes and call it good!

But, what happens when life happens?

Today is all about learning to track better and more consistently.

Point to Ponder:

A hunter can tell a lot from an animal's tracks: its size, relative speed and it's direction. We also leave "tracks" in our Trackers. They can tel us a lot about ourselves and our eating habits and can also give us clues about whether or not we're on the path to success.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Motivation is what gets you started. HABIT is what keeps you going.

Practice and repeat!

~ Jim Rohn

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Challenges this Week!

While making "ME FIRST" have you met any challenges?

Here are some I considered prior to meeting on Monday.

*Always considering others' needs before our own...
*Believing there's not enough time or resources to meet our needs....
*Believing it's selfish to pursue the things we need and desire....

Some Strategies to combat the Challenges

**Accepting our own needs are important
**Consciously seetting aside "ME TIME" for actions that support your weight loss goals
**Making specific plans to do things I enjoy
**Learning to say NO to extra demands on our time and resources
**Delegating responsibilities to others

Friday, April 15, 2011

Next Week

Tracking Tricks......

Take daily tracking-and your weight loss results- to a higher level!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Just a reminder to get walking! Practice will only help you succeed for the BIG WALK IT CHALLENGE...on or around May 22.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"Your real influence is measured by your treatment of yourself."
~Amos Bronson Alcott

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wrap up from yesterday!

When you learn to take care of yourself first, you're likely to be happier, healthier and more in control of your weight loss progress!

Monday, April 11, 2011

ME First!!! WEEK 15

ME First.....or last again?

Do you feel like you always come in last?

How do you feel about prioritizing your list to ensure the things you want are at the top?

Or do you just ponder about CALGONE taking you away?

IT is important to put yourself first when it comes to many things...but with weight loss you have to put yourself first.
Support from others can make weight loss easier, we need to learn how to be our own best friend. Carve time out for our own needs, comfort and feelings. Pretty scary at first. But, with time this eye opening truth can help!

1. Go to the top of the list. Every day, make a to do list and start with your own needs first.
2. Start to say NO!  If you tend to be a YES person, always agreeing to take care of others' needs can sabotage your efforts in weight loss.
3. Take time for what you love. Today that would mean being outside in the garden...does that work for you? When you find and commit yourself to things you love, it is easier.

If you need help getting started, here are some helps.....

This week start by taking the time to meal plan and plan your daily activity while at it.

Try to start small and see what you can find!